Men Who Want To Lose Weight After

Don’t let your dream of a fitter, healthier body fade just because you’re getting older. A few changes to your routine can help you shave off those pounds in no time. At 20, hitting the gym a few times a week and eating the occasional vegetable was enough to keep those abs chiselled. At 30, muscle definition was like a pair of Yeezys: hard to come by, but not exactly a pipe dream. And at 40, a friend mentions splitting a dessert and you’re in dad bod territory before you know it.

Unfortunately, as we get older, our metabolisms have the tendency to take a vacation, grinding to a screeching halt and making it feel like weight gain and a bloated belly are foregone conclusions. Research suggests that our testosterone levels tend to decline as we round the corner toward middle age, taking our metabolisms along for the ride. In fact, research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reveals that providing testosterone supplementation over just a three-month period raised men’s basal metabolic rate by as much as 13 percent.

Even if testosterone replacement therapy isn’t in the cards, there are still plenty of ways to combat those hormonal changes that often accompany middle age, revving your metabolism and bringing your long-lost muscle definition back with it. Following are 40 tips for men who want to lose weight after 40 can get you back in shape in a hurry.

An apple a day keeps the weight gain at bay. A medium sized apple packs four grams of filling soluble fibre that’s more than 13 percent of your RDA and may be an effective edible solution for fending off the aches and pains that would otherwise keep you sidelined. Apple peels are loaded with pectin, a fibre that research published in Anaerobe reveals to be effective at boosting healthy gut bacteria, including lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, which can help rev your metabolism. Red apples are also packed with quercetin, a compound that can help reduce arthritis-related joint pain, and resveratrol, good for fighting belly fat.
The early bird catches the worm especially when it comes to weight loss. Research conducted at Northwestern University reveals that catching some early morning sunlight was correlated with a significantly lower BMI when compared with people who caught some sun later on and getting in some exercise on the early side may also help normalize your circadian rhythms, making it easier to get enough metabolism boosting rest. Even better, research suggests that early birds tend to be more optimistic and have less stress than their nocturnal counterparts potentially reducing your levels of stress hormone cortisol, which can trigger belly fat storage.
