How to prevent a weight loss rebound

You managed to reach your goal weight and transform your physique. Now it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to maintain the new, fitter you for the long haul.We’ll be honest, it’s not going to be a walk in the park. (But yes, taking walks in the park can help.) Only an estimated 20 percent of dieters reach their goal weight and maintain it, according to nutrition- and weight-management experts. But it’s not by any means an impossible feat.Pick a few of the tips you think you’ll be able to follow and vow to stick to them for life. It’s a big commitment, we know. But it'll be worth it—especially when you don't have to begin a weight-loss transformation all over again.  If you eat when you’re stressed or distracted you’re bound to take in excess calories, which, over time, can lead to weight gain. But not only that, eating while you’re watching the game or finishing a report at work will likely leave you feeling far less satiated than you’d be had you been paying attention to your meal. This happens for a few reasons. “Not only do we eat more quickly when we’re mindlessly eating, we tend not to pay attention to taste, texture, or appearance of the meal. Both of these factors can contribute to overeating,” explains Isabel Smith, R.D., a New York City-based celebrity dietitian and fitness expert.

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